some Sequoyah County, Oklahoma births & deaths

Assorted Information
Bolin etal
1850 Alabama
1850 Arkansas
1860 Arkansas
1870 Arkansas
1880 Arkansas
Civil War
1850 Georgia
1850 Illinois
1860 Illinois
1850 Indiana
Indian Territory
1900 Indian Territory
1850 Kentucky
1860 Kentucky
1870 Kentucky
1880 Kentucky
1860 Louisiana
1910 Oklahoma
1850 Tennessee
1860 Tennessee
1870 Tennessee
1880 Tennessee
1900 Tennessee
1910 Tennessee
1920 Tennessee
1850 Virginia

some Sequoyah County, Oklahoma deaths & births


Fields, Lucinda, Vian, b. 5 aug 1880 - d. 29 mar 1909 in Vian; buried in Vian, Indian

Father Dick Sorenworth


George Goins, b. Tennessee, d. 28 feb 1912 45 years old; buried Still Cemetery, 
father: Martin Goins born Tennessee
mother: Mandy Bolen born Tennessee

Davis Still, McKey, b. Indian Territory - d. 5 jan 1911, 27 years old; buried Drake stand Cemetey, 

father: Jack Still

mother: Vera Ratley.

John Still, d. 30 nov 1908 Sallisaw; buried Duncan Cemetery, Indian

Sequoyah Births

Child, sex, race, date of birth, place of birth

Mother, age, place of  birth

Father, age, place of birth, occupation


Goowin, male, white, 29 mar 1912, Hanson

Rilla, 18 years old, b. Arkansas

Hamp Goowin, 25, b. Arkansas, farmer


Goins, male, white, 20 oct 1908, Marble City

Stella Brauth, 19, Kentucky

Will Goins, 19, Kentucky, farmer


Nancy Edna Goins, female, white, 7 sep 1916, Bunch

Goins, 26, Kentucky

Will Goins, 27, Kentucky


Brown, male, white, 29 july 1911, Sallisaw

Learty Fields, 24 b. Georgia

P.H. Brown, 35, b. Kentucky, farmer


Brown, female, white, 11 mar 1915, Sallisaw

Fields, 29, Georgia

P.H. Brown, 40, Kentucky, farmer


Fields, male, white, 16 june 1911, Gore

Clara, 19, b. Oklahoma

Bullett Fields, 23, b. Oklahoma, farmer


Waters, female, Cherokee, 1 jan 1909, Vian

Cary Fields, 26, b. Arkansas

Mose Waters, 29, Cherokee Nation, farmer


Lee, male, white, 12 dec 1908, Sallisaw

Lucy Fields, 30

Da Lee, 30, laborer


Henrietta Austin Dockery, female, Negro, 10 aug 1914, Vian (stillborn)

Liddie Fields, 24, Mabelle, Oklahoma

Robert Dockery, 28, Arkansas, farmer


Waters, male, white, 14 mar 1914, Vian

Carrie Fields, 29, Arkansas

Moze Waters, 33, Oklahoma, farmer


Calwell, male, white, 2 july 1913, Bonhamville

Minnie Fields, 21, Arkansas

M.V. Calwell, 25, Arkansas, farmer


Mills, male, white, 15 dec 1912, Roland

Pearl Fields, 22, Arkansas

Johnathan Mills, 22, Oklahoma, farmer


Docy, male, black, 12 oct 1912, Sadie  (stillborn)

Sedie Fields, 20, Vian

Robert Docy, 24, Arkansas, farmer


Paul Waters, male, white, 9 aug 1916, Marble City

Fields, 30, Arkansas

Mose W. Waters, 36, Oklahoma


Hendrix, male, white, 8 dec 1916, Muldrow

Cooksey, 34, Arkansas

John Hendrix, 45, Arkansas


Cooksey, female, white, 31 july 1914, McKey

Mary Scott, 14, Arkansas

John Cooksey, 21, Oklahoma, farmer

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